There is nothing more striking than vibrant red flowers at the end of the upright iris-like foliage of Crocosmia Lucifer and over the last couple of weeks I have seen it in so many gardens. It is so versatile in that it looks good in a mixed border of cannas and dahlias, giving a feel of the tropical even if the rain is endless, or even on its own as a single specimen through to a large block.
You can’t beat a plant that gives such rich colour for three months in the garden and is so easy to grow It copes with full sun and partial shade is extremely hardy and is suitable for the following soils: Well-drained/light, Clay/heavy, Acidic, Chalky/alkaline. One plant can easily stand at over 3′ tall and 2′ in width and once established it can be propagated by division in spring. Dig to a depth of 30cm (12in) to avoid damaging the corms and use two garden forks, back to back, to prise the clump apart . The roots of both these perennials form ‘chains’ of corms, which can be replanted intact or individually separated off. Our own will certainly be ready for dividing next year and I plan to use it in the new tropical border underneath the large Eucalyptus Gunni.
When we first came here seven years ago it was a hard plant to sell particularly as Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora is a familiar sight to many, as it graces country lanes from July to September with a wonderful display of spikes of bright reddish-orange flowers. Maybe our own specimen and our passion for this plant is paying off after all and I shall continue to smile at each garden I see with this showy plant.