Today the longlist of the nominees for the various categories in the 2011 Social Media Awards was announced. Certainly is a long list and includes some big names Toyota Ireland, Vodafone Ireland, Glenisk Organic and Meteor Mobile to name but a few.
Well I am glad to see The Secret Garden Centre nominated (by ourselves like the majority of other business) in two categories Facebook Page for a Business (Owner Managed) and Facebook Page for a Business.
I know that compared to some pages on facebook we have a relaively small number of likes, however I do feel that the page has a level of vibrancy and fun which comes from the interaction of the ‘likes’. For that amongst other reasons I decided to put forward our page and see if we can get some recognition.
Well for now we shall have to see if we make the shortlist. I hope the likes of Corrigan’s City Farm (Organic gardening from Andy also of Cork), Greenside Up (Organic vegetable growing from Dee), Garrrendenny Lane Interiors (Lorna’s Home, Gift and Lifestyle Online Store) and any other friends make it as well.
For now I shall continue with the facebook page regardless of whether we are deemed by the judges to be shortlisted because I know that the page has been a success. (although it would be very nice to have it recognised officially)
For more details on the Irish Social Media Awards check out
Thank you for the good wishes and I wish the Secret Garden all the best too, wouldn’t it be lovely if we all met up at the awards 🙂
It would be lovely having spoke to you virtually for about two years now. I like the sound of the informal awards as well no need to wear the dinner suit….
Thanks Brian….as Lorna said, it would be a great opportunity to meet up with our online friends, swop tips and stories, and learn how others are using social media to help their businesses.