We have had ducks and hens for several years now and are delighted to see the interest in people keeping them. Where we have a large pen and a shed to hold them not every body has that kind of space or only want a couple of hens unlike Sarah with her menagerie.
One of our local suppliers has just started to make hen/duck houses and we are pleased to be selling them on his behalf. He comes very well recommended as he already makes all our display table in the garden centre over the last years.
So onto business with some images…..
Made with pressure treated timber it has the following features
- Pressure treated timber, with animal safe preservative on the exterior wood
- Chicken wire around the base
- Handy carry handles for easy manoeuvring of the whole unit
- Full access of one lockable side panel for cleaning access
- Mini access panel for egg retrieval
- Removable nesting box
- Perch
- Access door to run
- Easy access to the house via the ramp
- Drop down door for easy access
- Suitable for up to four hens depending on the breed
All for a mere €295 half the price of an eglu (plastic monstrosity)
dimensions to follow it was getting dark
Any enquiries to info@thesecretgardener.com