Kept moist

Sarah is cracking through all our orders and by now is dreaming of hanging baskets in her sleep. Just as you think you have finished we always get a late surge. This year all the basket and boxes are being filled with peat free compost. This should eradicate the need to use water retention agents as the peat free compost should not dry out as quickly. There is still the need to water them regularly especially when that blazing summer sun finally arrives. To conserve water use a ‘water butt’ to collect rain water. 

A water butt is a barrel-like tank that can collect rainwater from your roof’s drainpipes after rain. This rainwater can then be used for watering plants in your garden. We have several attached to all our buildings and you will be amazed how much is collected in one downpour. One important area of consideration is that if you have children who can access the butt is that the top is kept secure to prevent any accidents. As I sit here typing the rain is falling filling the butts up once more.